L'agence by Los Socios https://lagencemx.com/en/ Bienes Raíces de Lujo en la Riviera Maya Wed, 19 Mar 2025 19:32:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://lagencemx.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/cropped-l-agence-by-los-socios-32x32.png L'agence by Los Socios https://lagencemx.com/en/ 32 32 Playacar el primer fraccionamiento de Playa del Carmen https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/lifestyle/playacar-el-primer-fraccionamiento-de-playa-del-carmen/ https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/lifestyle/playacar-el-primer-fraccionamiento-de-playa-del-carmen/#respond Tue, 17 Dec 2024 15:25:22 +0000 https://lagencemx.com/?p=17710 Playacar: El Primer Fraccionamiento de Playa del Carmen. Conocido como el corazón de la Riviera Maya, Playa del Carmen era una tranquila comunidad de pescadores en la década de 1950. Rodeado por selva y playas vírgenes, comenzó su desarrollo turístico en los años 70. En esa época, se planificó Playacar, el primer fraccionamiento de la […]

La entrada Playacar el primer fraccionamiento de Playa del Carmen se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

Playacar: El Primer Fraccionamiento de Playa del Carmen. Conocido como el corazón de la Riviera Maya, Playa del Carmen era una tranquila comunidad de pescadores en la década de 1950. Rodeado por selva y playas vírgenes, comenzó su desarrollo turístico en los años 70. En esa época, se planificó Playacar, el primer fraccionamiento de la ciudad, con el objetivo de posicionarla como un destino internacional que combinara lujo, naturaleza y comodidad.


 Playacar el primer fraccionamiento de Playa del Carmen


El Origen de Playacar

La idea de Playacar surgió en los años 70, inspirada por el auge turístico de Cancún. Playa del Carmen, ubicada 70 km al sur, comenzó a destacarse como un destino más relajado y auténtico. En este contexto, se concibió Playacar como un desarrollo residencial y turístico destinado a atraer a inversores y visitantes de alto nivel. El proyecto se diseñó con un enfoque en respetar la belleza natural de la región, creando una comunidad integrada con servicios modernos y un estilo de vida exclusivo. Su ubicación estratégica, al sur del centro de Playa del Carmen y con acceso directo a las playas caribeñas, lo convirtió en el lugar ideal para ofrecer residencias privadas y espacios turísticos.


El Concepto de Playacar y su Desarrollo

Playacar fue concebido para fusionar la serenidad natural con las comodidades modernas. Desde su inicio, se planificó como una comunidad cerrada con normativas estrictas para preservar el medio ambiente y asegurar la privacidad y seguridad de sus residentes. El objetivo era proporcionar una calidad de vida excepcional, ofreciendo acceso a playas, campos de golf, hoteles, centros comerciales y una amplia gama de servicios y amenidades. La construcción de Playacar comenzó en los años 80, dividiéndose en dos fases: Playacar Fase 1 y Playacar Fase 2, cada una con características y objetivos específicos que complementan la visión general del fraccionamiento.

Fase 1: Historia, Exclusividad y Vistas al Mar

Playacar Fase 1 fue la primera etapa del proyecto, enfocada en crear una comunidad residencial exclusiva con acceso directo a la playa. Ubicada frente al mar Caribe, cerca de las ruinas mayas de Xaman-Há, añade un toque cultural e histórico a la zona. Esta fase se distingue por amplios lotes residenciales, lujosas villas privadas y calles tranquilas rodeadas de vegetación tropical. Su baja densidad de construcción garantiza privacidad y exclusividad. Muchas propiedades ofrecen vistas espectaculares al mar y acceso directo a la playa, haciéndola una de las zonas más codiciadas de Playa del Carmen. A pesar de su carácter residencial, Fase 1 cuenta con servicios básicos y está cerca del centro de Playa del Carmen, permitiendo disfrutar de tranquilidad sin sacrificar conveniencia.

Fase 2: Golf, Hoteles y Proyectos Modernos

Playacar Fase 2 se desarrolló poco después, expandiendo el concepto inicial con un enfoque en turismo y estilo de vida activo. Esta etapa se extiende tierra adentro, rodeando un campo de golf de 18 hoyos diseñado por Robert von Hagge. Este campo es un atractivo principal para residentes y visitantes amantes del golf. A diferencia de la Fase 1, la Fase 2 presenta mayor densidad de construcción y una mezcla de propiedades residenciales y turísticas. Aquí se encuentran modernos desarrollos inmobiliarios, desde condominios y casas unifamiliares hasta lujosos hoteles todo incluido. Además, la Fase 2 cuenta con un centro comercial, áreas recreativas y restaurantes, ofreciendo una experiencia integral para residentes y visitantes.

un desarrollo residencial y turístico que atrajera tanto a inversionistas como a visitantes

Diferencias Entre las Dos Fases

Aunque ambas fases comparten una filosofía de exclusividad y conexión con la naturaleza, presentan diferencias notables:

  • Ubicación: La Fase 1 está frente al mar Caribe, mientras que la Fase 2 se ubica tierra adentro, rodeando un campo de golf diseñado por Robert von Hagge.
  • Densidad: La Fase 1 tiene menor densidad, con propiedades más grandes y exclusivas. La Fase 2 combina residencias y desarrollos turísticos de mayor densidad.
  • Enfoque: La Fase 1 es principalmente residencial, ideal para quienes buscan privacidad y tranquilidad. La Fase 2 ofrece un estilo de vida más activo, con acceso a golf y servicios turísticos.
  • Tipo de Propiedades: En la Fase 1 predominan villas y casas de lujo. La Fase 2 cuenta con casas, condominios modernos y hoteles todo


Una Comunidad Completa con Todo lo Necesario

Playacar ofrece una experiencia que integra naturaleza, lujo y conveniencia para residentes y visitantes.

  • Hoteles de Clase Mundial: La Fase 2 alberga hoteles todo incluido como Viva Wyndham Maya y Riu Palace Riviera Maya, elevando el perfil turístico de Playacar.
  • Campo de Golf de Primer Nivel: Un campo de golf de 18 hoyos, diseñado por Robert von Hagge, es un atractivo central en la Fase 2, aumentando el valor de las propiedades circundantes.
  • Zonas Comerciales y Restaurantes: Plaza Playacar ofrece tiendas, restaurantes y servicios esenciales, brindando comodidad sin salir de la comunidad.
  • Acceso Controlado y Seguridad: Playacar cuenta con casetas de vigilancia que garantizan privacidad y seguridad, ideal para familias que buscan tranquilidad.
  • Caminos Peatonales y Ciclismo: Diseñado para un estilo de vida activo, Playacar ofrece senderos naturales ideales para caminar, correr o andar en bicicleta.
  • Ruinas Mayas y Naturaleza: La Fase 1 alberga las ruinas de Xaman-Há, reflejando el legado cultural de la región, y ambas fases están rodeadas de exuberante vegetación y fauna característica de la selva maya.

Playacar: Un Destino de Inversión Atractivo

A lo largo de los años, Playacar se ha consolidado como una excelente opción de inversión inmobiliaria debido a varios factores clave:

  • Alta Plusvalía: Su ubicación estratégica, calidad de las propiedades e infraestructura bien planificada garantizan un constante aumento en el valor de las propiedades en Playacar.
  • Rendimientos por Alquiler Vacacional: Gracias a su atractivo para turistas internacionales, las propiedades en Playacar generan altos rendimientos a través de alquileres vacacionales. Las opciones lock-off en algunos desarrollos permiten a los propietarios maximizar sus ingresos al rentar partes de sus propiedades de manera flexible.
  • Demanda Constante: La combinación de un estilo de vida exclusivo, proximidad a la playa y servicios de primer nivel asegura una alta demanda tanto de compradores como de arrendatarios.
  • Variedad de Propiedades: Playacar ofrece opciones para todo tipo de inversionistas, desde villas de lujo en la Fase 1 hasta modernos condominios en la Fase 2, permitiendo a los compradores encontrar propiedades que se ajusten a sus necesidades y presupuesto.

Estos factores hacen de Playacar una inversión inmobiliaria sólida y rentable en la Riviera Maya.

Playacar: Más que un Fraccionamiento

Playacar no es solo el primer fraccionamiento de Playa del Carmen; es un ejemplo de cómo un desarrollo bien planificado puede transformar una región y establecer estándares de lujo y calidad de vida. Con su combinación de exclusividad, naturaleza, infraestructura moderna y oportunidades de inversión, Playacar sigue siendo uno de los destinos más codiciados de la Riviera Maya. Ya sea que busques un hogar permanente, una residencia vacacional o una oportunidad de inversión, Playacar. Además, su constante evolución y desarrollo aseguran que seguirá siendo un referente en el mercado inmobiliario de Playa del Carmen por muchos años más.

Si estás interesado en conocer más sobre las propiedades disponibles en Playacar o necesitas asesoramiento para invertir en esta icónica comunidad, no dudes en contactarnos. En nuestra agencia inmobiliaria, estamos listos para ayudarte a encontrar el hogar de tus sueños o la inversión ideal en este exclusivo destino.

 Playacar el primer fraccionamiento de Playa del Carmen
If you require a personalized advice contact us, we would be delighted to be part of your adventure! We are L'agence by Los Socios, a real estate agency focused on the benefits of its clients.

La entrada Playacar el primer fraccionamiento de Playa del Carmen se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/lifestyle/playacar-el-primer-fraccionamiento-de-playa-del-carmen/feed/ 0
Aeropuerto de Tulum: Impacto, Cifras y Nuevos Destinos en su Primer Año https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/aeropuerto-tulum-impacto-primer-ano/ https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/aeropuerto-tulum-impacto-primer-ano/#respond Mon, 09 Dec 2024 15:48:16 +0000 https://lagencemx.com/?p=17561 El Aeropuerto de Tulum, las cifras y nuevos destinos conectados, en su primer año después de su inauguración, la infraestructura causando un impacto positivo en la Riviera Maya. Desde la apertura del Aeropuerto Felipe Carrillo Puerto en Tulum, la Riviera Maya ha experimentado cambios significativos en varios sectores. Aunque el aeropuerto ha estado en funcionamiento […]

La entrada Tulum Airport: Impact, Numbers and New Destinations in its First Year se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

The Tulum Airport, the figures and new connected destinations, in its first year after its inauguration, the infrastructure causing a positive impact on the Riviera Maya. Since the opening of the Felipe Carrillo Puerto Airport in Tulum, the Riviera Maya has undergone significant changes in several sectors. Although the airport has only been operational for a year, the effects on the local economy, tourism and infrastructure in the region can already be seen.

On November 3, 2024, the Felipe Carrillo Puerto de Tulum International Airport received its one million passenger number, surpassing the initial forecasts that estimated 700,000 passengers for the first year of operation. This achievement was achieved through more than 7,790 air operations. As of November 21, 2024, the airport had already registered more than 1,074,000 passengers and 8,500 air operations, consolidating itself as the second busiest airport in the state of Quintana Roo.

With an average monthly growth of 13.1%, Tulum Airport continues to strengthen its connectivity, operating with 11 airlines that connect 15 national and international destinations, including Mexico, the United States, Canada, South America and Europe.

Tulum un año después el aeropuerto que impulsa la Riviera Maya

An engine of economic growth for the region

The Felipe Carrillo Airport has had an immediate impact on the local economy of the Riviera Maya. According to an article by Forbes Mexico, the arrival of this new infrastructure has generated a significant increase in economic activity in the tourism, hospitality and services sectors. Increased accessibility has attracted more international tourists, mainly from North America and Europe, which has allowed local businesses to experience a significant increase in the number of customers.

In addition, the airport has generated thousands of direct and indirect jobs in areas such as transport, airport administration and commerce. Transport services and tourism activities have also benefited from increased tourist arrivals, allowing small local businesses such as restaurants and travel agencies to experience sustained growth.

Destinations with direct flights to Tulum

One of the biggest changes that has caused the airport of Felipe Carrillo Puerto is the ease of access to the region. Tulum, which was previously relatively remote from major air hubs such as Cancun, now has direct connections to major cities in North America and Europe. This not only facilitates the arrival of tourists, but also attracts international investors aware of the potential of the region.

Cities that currently have direct flights with Tulum include:

Domestic destinations:

  • Ciudad de México (NLU): Operated by Aeroméxico, Mexicana and VivaAerobus.
  • Guadalajara (GDL): Operated by VivaAerobus y Volaris.
  • Monterrey (MTY): Operated by VivaAerobus y Volaris.

International destinations:

North America:

  • Atlanta (ATL): Operated by Delta Air Lines.
  • Charlotte (CLT): Operated by American Airlines.
  • Chicago (ORD): Operated by United Airlines.
  • Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW): Operated by American Airlines.
  • Detroit (DTW): Operated by Delta Air Lines.
  • Houston (IAH): Operated by United Airlines.
  • Los Angeles (LAX): Operated by United Airlines.
  • Miami (MIA): Operated by American Airlines.
  • Minneapolis (MSP): Operated by Delta Air Lines.
  • New York (EWR): Operated by United Airlines.
  • New York (EWR): Operated by JetBlue.


  • Calgary (YYC): Operated by WestJet.
  • Montreal (YUL): Operated by Air Canada, Air Transat y Sunwing.
  • Ottawa (YOW): Operated by Air Canada.
  • Quebec (YQB): Operated by Air Canada y Air Transat.
  • Toronto (YYZ): Operated by Air Canada y WestJet.

Central and South America:

  • Bogotá (BOG): Operated by Avianca.
  • Panamá City (PTY): Operated by Copa Airlines.


  • Frankfurt am Main (FRA): Operated by Discover Airlines.

These direct connections will further enhance international tourism, attracting a wider variety of tourists from both the Americas and Europe.

Tulum un año después el aeropuerto que impulsa la Riviera Maya

An ecological and sustainable approach

The Felipe Carrillo Puerto Airport not only represents an improvement in the tourist infrastructure of the Riviera Maya, but also a boost to sustainable tourism in the region. Según Tulum Airport, this project has been designed with a development approach in harmony with the natural environment, making it attractive for travellers who are aware of the ecological impact of their journeys.

Unlike Cancun airport, which is more than an hour?s drive from Tulum, the new airport reduces travel times and emissions by providing direct access to visitors. In addition, the project incorporates green technologies such as solar panels and efficient water management systems, which helps to minimize environmental impact.

Tulum, already known for its commitment to responsible tourism, is perfectly aligned with this sustainable approach. This attracts tourists interested in eco-friendly destinations, who value the protection of natural landscapes and local biodiversity.

Impacts on the real estate market and infrastructure

The airport has also had a direct impact on the real estate market in the region, especially in areas near Tulum. The opening of the airport has accelerated the development of real estate projects, including hotels, residential and commercial. According to ORVE, This has increased the demand for land in the area and raised its value, attracting both national and international investors. In addition, local authorities have begun to improve road infrastructure and public services to respond to the growth of the region. The main routes to tourist areas of Tulum, such as beaches and cenotes, have been renovated, significantly reducing transfer times and facilitating access for visitors.

Conclusion: Tulum, a transformed destination

One year after its opening, the Felipe Carrillo Puerto Airport has established itself as a catalyst for transformation in the Riviera Maya. It has had a positive impact on the local economy, improved international connectivity in the region and boosted sustainable development. Thanks to this airport, Tulum has become a more accessible and attractive destination for tourists from all over the world, without losing its ecological and natural essence.

Tulum Airport: Impact, Numbers and New Destinations in its First Year

If you require a personalized advice contact us, we would be delighted to be part of your adventure! We are L'agence by Los Socios, a real estate agency focused on the benefits of its clients.


La entrada Tulum Airport: Impact, Numbers and New Destinations in its First Year se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/aeropuerto-tulum-impacto-primer-ano/feed/ 0
Cancún es sede de la primera Branded Residences de Nautica en el mundo https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/cancun-es-sede-de-la-primera-branded-residences-de-nautica-en-el-mundo/ https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/cancun-es-sede-de-la-primera-branded-residences-de-nautica-en-el-mundo/#respond Mon, 02 Dec 2024 21:24:45 +0000 https://lagencemx.com/?p=17363 Cancún es sede de la primera Branded Residences de Nautica en el mundo. Conocido mundialmente por sus playas paradisíacas y su vibrante vida turística, Cancún continúa siendo un imán para desarrollos inmobiliarios de lujo. Entre estos, las branded residences están redefiniendo el mercado al fusionar comodidad, exclusividad y servicios de nivel hotelero en propiedades residenciales. […]

La entrada Cancun is home to the first Branded Residences of Nautica in the world se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.


Cancún is the headquarters of the first Nautica brand residence in the world. Known worldwide for its paradisiacal beaches and vibrant tourist life, Cancún remains a magnet for luxury real estate developments. Among these, brand residences are redefining the market by merging comfort, exclusivity and hotel services in residential properties. Nautica, the first project of its kind in Cancún, marks a milestone in the sector and presents a unique opportunity for those looking for an investment that combines lifestyle and profitability.

Náutica: El Lujo Redefinido en Cancún con Branded Residences


What are the branded residences?

Branded residences are residential properties associated with luxury brands, whether they are hotel chains, design firms or internationally recognized brands. This type of development offers residents a complete set of services, from concierge and security to access to exclusive facilities, all supported by a brand that guarantees quality and prestige.

A remarkable example of this concept is the Porsche Design Tower in Miami, which combines architectural innovation and avant-garde design, offering exclusive services such as a vehicle lift that allows parking next to the apartment.

In the case of Nautica, the project not only includes innovative design and high-end services, but also takes advantage of Cancún?s strategic location to offer an incomparable living experience.


Nautica: An iconic brand that navigates to the real estate sector

Nautica, a world-renowned brand, combines elegance and maritime style in the innovative Nautica Residences by Nauma project in Cancún. This development combines design, exclusivity and connection with nature, reflecting the spirit of adventure and sophistication that defines the brand. Inspired by marine life, the architectural design includes fluid lines and open spaces that visually connect with the natural environment. The proximity to the Caribbean Sea and essential services make Nautica Residences an ideal place to spend your holidays or stay comfortably. From its finishes to its amenities, Nautica redefines luxury in Cancun, offering unique and exceptional experiences for its residents.

An investment of increasing value

From a real estate perspective, investing in brand homes like Nautica is a strategic decision. These properties generally offer a higher return on investment due to their strong demand in the luxury rental market and the reputation of the brands that support them. In Cancun, where international tourism continues to grow, projects like this not only ensure stable occupancy but also a constant appreciation of the value of the property.

In addition, the level of services and amenities included in Nautica, such as swimming pools, gyms, restaurants and exclusive access to the beach club, are a strong attraction for owners and tenants.

Benefits for investors

From a real estate perspective, Nautica is an excellent choice for various investor profiles:

  1. Investors looking for profitability: Cancun being one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world, the demand for luxury properties is constant. Branded residences, by offering hotel services, become a preferred option for high-end tourists.
  2. Owners looking for a second home: For those looking for a vacation home, Nautica combines luxury and convenience. Owners can enjoy their property when not in use and take advantage of management and rental options to generate additional income.
  3. Portfolio diversification: For investors looking to diversify, projects like Nautica offer a mix of stability and appreciation potential in a region of sustained growth.

Why Cancun ?


Located in the heart of Cancun, Nautica Residences combines nature, exclusivity and accessibility. Surrounded by the spectacular Nichupté lagoon and lush mangrove, this development allows you to enjoy the serenity of a unique environment without sacrificing the proximity of essential services. Its location offers unrivalled views and redefines luxury by blending in with the natural beauty of the Mexican Caribbean, being ideal for those who appreciate modernity in full connection with nature.

Cancun is not only a world-class tourist destination, but also a city in constant evolution. An example is the Nichupté Bridge, a landmark that enhances modernization and connectivity in the region. With advanced infrastructure, international connectivity and a growing real estate market, Cancún is positioned as a strategic point for investment. The growing attraction of international buyers confirms that this city is not only ideal for holidays, but also to acquire luxury properties in a market with high demand and projection.



Exclusive services and facilities


One of the pillars of Nautica is its focus on the quality of life of its residents. The project has more than 50 amenities, including:

  • Alberca tipo infinity with spectacular sea views.
  • Access to a private beach club.
  • Gym equipped with advanced technology.
  • Concierge available 24 hours a day.
  • Private security and constant monitoring.
  • Leisure spaces designed for the whole family.

These features not only provide comfort, but also enhance the appeal of the property for those seeking a full life experience.

Bright future for the real estate market in Cancun

The launch of projects like Nautica confirms that Cancún is consolidating as an epicenter for the development of brand residences. These projects not only raise the local real estate market, but also open up new opportunities for investors and buyers.



Conclusion: Cancun is the headquarters of the first Residences de Nautica brand in the world

Nautica is not just a real estate project, it is a new standard of living in Cancún. For a real estate agency like ours, representing a development of this magnitude is an opportunity to connect our clients with the future of luxury and investment in the Riviera Maya.

If you are looking for a property that combines design, exclusivity and an excellent return on investment, Nautica is the ideal choice. Contact us today to get more information and secure your place in this development that will mark a before and an after in Cancun.


Cancun is the first Branded Residences of Nautica in the world, find our listing here aquí

If you require a personalized advice contact us, we would be delighted to be part of your adventure! We are L'agence by Los Socios, a real estate agency focused on the benefits of its clients.

La entrada Cancun is home to the first Branded Residences of Nautica in the world se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/cancun-es-sede-de-la-primera-branded-residences-de-nautica-en-el-mundo/feed/ 0
Pádel: La Amenidad del momento en Desarrollos Inmobiliarios https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/padel-la-amenidad-del-momento-en-desarrollos-inmobiliarios/ https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/padel-la-amenidad-del-momento-en-desarrollos-inmobiliarios/#respond Wed, 23 Oct 2024 20:55:36 +0000 https://lagencemx.com/?p=16797 Pádel: La amenidad del momento en desarrollos inmobiliarios. En los últimos años, las canchas de pádel han emergido como una de las amenidades más solicitadas en los desarrollos inmobiliarios de lujo. Este deporte, que ha ganado popularidad en todo el mundo, especialmente en países como España y México, se ha convertido en un factor decisivo […]

La entrada Paddle: The Fun of the moment in real estate developments se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

Padel: The pleasure of the moment in real estate developments. In recent years, padel tennis courts have become one of the most sought-after facilities in luxury real estate developments. This sport, which has gained popularity worldwide, especially in countries like Spain and Mexico, has become a decisive factor for many investors and buyers looking for more than just a property. But what makes padel courts so attractive and how do they influence the value of real estate projects?

The padel boom in the real estate world

Padel, a mix between tennis and squash, is a dynamic sport that is easy to learn. This makes it an ideal choice for people of all ages. Accessibility, combined with the fact that great skills are not required to play, has increased its popularity in residential communities. More and more developments, urban and vacationers, integrate padel courts in their equipment.

An amenity that adds value

Having a padel court in a development is seen as an advantage, both sporty and a smart investment. For shoppers, this convenience improves quality of life and facilitates socialization. In addition, the developments with padel courts are distinguished by their modern recreational offer, attracting a public looking for comfort and sports activities.

A notable example is Gobernador 28, a development that has included a padel tennis court as part of its luxury facilities. Residents appreciate this convenience, which not only adds value to the property but also promotes active and community life.

Pádel: La Amenidad del momento en Desarrollos Inmobiliarios

Health and community benefits

Incorporating a padel court into a real estate development offers physical and social benefits. It is a space where neighbours can interact, organize tournaments and enjoy shared recreational activities. This promotes a sense of community in developments, which many buyers greatly appreciate.

For example, at Macondo 5ta Avenida, a development located in one of the most exclusive areas of Playa del Carmen, the rooftop padel court offers stunning views and a unique experience. This combination of luxury and sport has been the key to attracting investors looking for an active lifestyle.

Why choose padel over other sports equipment?

Padel stands out from other sports options, such as tennis courts or football fields for several reasons. A padel court occupies less space, allowing its installation in more compact urban projects without compromising other recreational areas. In addition, the maintenance of a padel court is more economical than that of other sports facilities, making it an attractive option for developers.

An example of this is Valenia, a residential lot that also integrated a padel court among its amenities. The playground not only adds value, but complements the proposal of an active lifestyle in a community connected with nature.

Pádel: La Amenidad del momento en Desarrollos Inmobiliarios

The future of padel in real estate developments

With the growing popularity of padel, it is likely that more developments include this convenience. The demand for quality leisure spaces, combined with the need to attract a demanding audience, ensures that padel courts will remain a booming trend. The developers of the Riviera Maya recognize the value of including this feature in their projects, knowing that it attracts both investors and end-buyers.

Conclusion, Paddle: The Amenity of the moment in real estate developments.

Padel courts are becoming a key commodity in real estate developments. Their incorporation not only adds recreational value, but also strengthens community life and increases the attractiveness of luxury projects. Developments such as Governor 28, Macondo 5ta Avenida and Valenia are clear examples, among many others, of how the padel becomes an essential feature for those seeking an active and modern lifestyle. This trend is increasingly prevalent in the real estate sector. The padel becomes an essential feature for those who are looking for an active and modern lifestyle


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why are padel courts becoming popular in real estate development?

Padel courts are becoming increasingly popular as the sport is accessible to people of all ages and levels. In addition, its installation takes up less space than other sports facilities such as tennis courts, making it ideal for residential projects.

2. What are the benefits of a padel court for residents of a development?

Padel courts not only promote physical activity and well-being, but also create a space to socialize and strengthen the community among residents. They also add value to the property, making real estate development more attractive.

3. How much space is required to install a padel court?

A standard padel court is about 20 meters long by 10 meters wide, making it smaller than a tennis court and easier to integrate into real estate projects.

4. Do padel courts require a lot of maintenance?

Compared to other sports facilities, padel courts require relatively little maintenance, which is attractive for developers and residents as they can be maintained in good condition without high costs.


If you require a personalized advice contact us, we would be delighted to be part of your adventure! We are L'agence by Los Socios, a real estate agency focused on the benefits of its clients.

La entrada Paddle: The Fun of the moment in real estate developments se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/padel-la-amenidad-del-momento-en-desarrollos-inmobiliarios/feed/ 0
Michelin anuncia su guía de llaves hoteleras en el Caribe Mexicano https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/michelin-anuncia-su-guia-de-llaves-hoteleras-en-el-caribe-mexicano/ https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/michelin-anuncia-su-guia-de-llaves-hoteleras-en-el-caribe-mexicano/#respond Fri, 04 Oct 2024 16:39:10 +0000 https://lagencemx.com/?p=16679 Michelin anuncia su guía de llaves hoteleras en el Caribe Mexicano. En abril de 2024, Michelin, conocido por su prestigiosa guía de restaurantes, introdujo un sistema de clasificación completamente nuevo: las ?llaves? hoteleras. Con esta innovadora propuesta, Michelin amplió su alcance al mundo de la hospitalidad, evaluando hoteles de manera similar a como ha calificado […]

La entrada Michelin announces its guide to hotel keys in the Mexican Caribbean se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

Michelin announces its guide to hotel keys in the Mexican Caribbean. In April 2024, Michelin, known for its prestigious restaurant guide, introduced a brand new rating system: hotel ?keys?. With this innovative approach, Michelin has extended its reach into the hotel world, rating hotels in the same way it has rated restaurants for decades. This new system allows travelers to identify the world's best accommodations by awarding them one, two or three keys.


Los Mejores Hoteles de México: 6 de los 21 con 2 Llaves Michelin están en la Riviera Maya


Mexico at the forefront of the key system

Mexico played a key role in the inauguration of this system, with a total of 87 hotels awarded Michelin keys. Of these, 17 are located in the Mexican Caribbean, underlining the importance of this region as a luxury tourist destination. This region, renowned for its white sandy beaches and turquoise waters, is now also distinguished by the excellence of its hospitality, and has positioned itself as one of the world's top destinations.

What is the Michelin key system?

Michelin has adopted a similar approach to that used for its famous star rating of restaurants, by applying this new system to hotels. Michelin keys assess the entire guest experience, based on several key criteria. These include the level of service, the design and integration of the hotel into the local environment, and the facilities and general comfort offered. Like Michelin stars in the culinary field, the Keys represent a standard of excellence for the global hotel industry.

What does each key mean?

A key is an acknowledgement that the hotel offers a comfortable experience, with a good level of service and high-quality facilities. It does not reach the level of extreme luxury, but represents a reliable option for travelers looking for a pleasant stay. Two keys, on the other hand, indicate a higher level of excellence. Two-key hotels are distinguished by their outstanding design, atmosphere and service, offering a more refined experience. Finally, three keys is the highest distinction a hotel can receive. This recognition is the sign of a truly extraordinary experience, where impeccable service and dazzling design combine with an authentic connection to the environment.

Mexican Caribbean shines in Michelin rankings

The Mexican Caribbean region has always been a popular destination for luxury travelers. With the introduction of the Michelin key system, this region has achieved a new level of international recognition. The 17 award-winning hotels in the Mexican Caribbean represent almost a fifth of the total number of award-winning hotels in Mexico. This underlines the region's growing importance as a center of world-class luxury and hospitality.

Esencia Hotel: The only hotel with three keys



Hotel Esencialocated in Playa del Carmen, is the only hotel in the Mexican Caribbean to have been awarded three Michelin stars. This exclusive boutique hotel is known for its unique combination of luxury, privacy and authenticity. Originally the residence of an Italian duchess, the hotel retains its aristocratic charm while offering a modern, luxurious experience. Service is impeccable and attention to detail exceptional, Esencia Hotel es un ejemplo claro de lo que representa el máximo reconocimiento de Michelin.


Bayan Tree

Two key hotels in the Mexican Caribbean

In addition to the Esencia Hotel, six hotels in the Mexican Caribbean have been awarded the prestigious Michelin two-key distinction. These hotels offer memorable experiences thanks to impeccable design, superior service and a close connection with the local environment. The most striking example is the hotel Banyan Tree Mayakobalocated in Playa del Carmen, a complex surrounded by mangroves and lagoons that combines nature and luxury. Banyan Tree is known for its commitment to sustainable development, making it an ideal choice for travelers seeking a balanced experience between comfort and environmental responsibility.

Palmaia Another hotel awarded two keys is Palmaïa – The House of AïA. This all-inclusive resort is renowned for its focus on wellness and sustainability, and offers a unique experience focused on personal transformation. Guests of Palmaïa enjoy holistic programs including yoga, meditation and other wellness practices.


One Key hotels in the Mexican Caribbean

Michelin anuncia su guía de llaves hoteleras en el Caribe MexicanoTen hotels in the region have been awarded a Michelin key, testifying to their ability to offer a highly satisfying and comfortable experience. Although they don't reach the luxury level of two- or three-key hotels, these hotels are reliable options for travelers looking for a pleasant experience. Here's the example of Casa Hormiga, a small boutique hotel in Bacalar that offers its guests an authentic and personalized experience. Casa Hormiga is an excellent example of how small hotels can bring visitors closer to local culture and natural landscapes.

For his part, Nomade Holbox, located on the peaceful island of Holbox, is the perfect retreat for travelers looking to disconnect from the modern world. With its minimalist design and emphasis on sustainability, Nomade offers an immersive experience in nature, far from the hustle and bustle of the cities.


The importance of Michelin keys for the Mexican Caribbean

The Mexican Caribbean has already established itself as one of the world's most attractive tourist destinations. However, the introduction of the Michelin key system further raises the region's profile, positioning it at a new level in terms of luxury hospitality. Michelin awards are synonymous with quality and excellence, and having 17 award-winning hotels reinforces the idea that the Mexican Caribbean is one of the best places to experience luxury and exclusivity.

Michelin keys not only offer travelers a reliable means of identifying the best hotels, they also encourage competition between hotels to maintain high standards of service. For hotels in the Mexican Caribbean, this means a willingness to continually improve the guest experience, which ultimately benefits travelers and the region.

The future of the hotel business in the Mexican Caribbean

Michelin's recognition of Mexican Caribbean hotels is just the beginning of what promises to be a new chapter in the evolution of luxury hospitality in the region. As more and more travelers seek unique and memorable experiences, the region's hotels will continue to innovate to meet the demands of an increasingly discerning global audience. The Michelin key system not only highlights luxury, but also the hotels' commitment to sustainability and authenticity.

As responsible tourism gains in prominence among travelers, hotels in the Mexican Caribbean are well placed to lead the way. These hotels combine luxury and sustainability, offering authentic experiences that respect the natural environment and local culture. Today's travelers seek not only comfort, but also an authentic connection with the destinations they visit, and this is precisely what the Mexican Caribbean offers.

Conclusion : Michelin announces its guide to hotel keys in the Mexican Caribbean

The advent of the Michelin key system has revolutionized the way travelers evaluate and select hotels. For the Mexican Caribbean, this recognition is further proof of the region's excellence as a global luxury destination. With 17 award-winning hotels, including six two-key hotels and one three-key hotel, the Mexican Caribbean has established itself as one of the world's top destinations for travelers seeking exceptional experiences.


Michelin anuncia su guía de llaves hoteleras en el Caribe Mexicano

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What is the Michelin key system?

The Michelin Key System is a new rating system that rates hotels on service, design and overall comfort. Hotels can receive from one to three keys.

2) How many hotels in Mexico have received Michelin awards?

A total of 87 hotels in Mexico have been awarded Michelin keys. Of these, 17 are located in the Mexican Caribbean.

3) What does it mean to receive three Michelin keys?

The three keys represent the highest distinction a hotel can receive. It denotes an exceptional luxury hotel experience, with unrivalled service and design.

4) Why are Michelin keys important for travelers?

Michelin keys offer a reliable means of evaluating hotels before making a reservation, enabling travelers to choose according to their preferences for luxury and comfort.


If you require a personalized advice contact us, we would be delighted to be part of your adventure! We are L'agence by Los Socios, a real estate agency focused on the benefits of its clients.

La entrada Michelin announces its guide to hotel keys in the Mexican Caribbean se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/michelin-anuncia-su-guia-de-llaves-hoteleras-en-el-caribe-mexicano/feed/ 0
¿Qué tipo de propiedad es más rentable para invertir en la Riviera Maya? https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/inversion/que-tipo-de-propiedad-es-mas-rentable-para-invertir-en-la-riviera-maya/ https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/inversion/que-tipo-de-propiedad-es-mas-rentable-para-invertir-en-la-riviera-maya/#respond Fri, 13 Sep 2024 22:03:35 +0000 https://lagencemx.com/?p=16432 ¿Qué tipo de propiedad es más rentable para invertir en la Riviera Maya? La Riviera Maya, famosa por sus playas impresionantes, su cultura vibrante y su clima cálido durante todo el año, ha sido durante mucho tiempo un punto de interés para los inversionistas inmobiliarios. Con un sector turístico en constante crecimiento y una demanda […]

La entrada What type of property is the most profitable to invest in the Riviera Maya? se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

¿Qué tipo de propiedad es más rentable para invertir en la Riviera Maya? La Riviera Maya, famosa por sus playas impresionantes, su cultura vibrante y su clima cálido durante todo el año, ha sido durante mucho tiempo un punto de interés para los inversionistas inmobiliarios. Con un sector turístico en constante crecimiento y una demanda creciente de propriedades en renta vacacionales, la región ofrece una variedad de oportunidades de inversión. Pero, ¿qué tipo de propiedad ofrece los mayores rendimientos? En este artículo, exploraremos la rentabilidad de invertir en villas, propiedades frente al mar y unidades con tres o más habitaciones en la Riviera Maya, con un enfoque en su potencial de ingresos y rendimiento en el mercado.

Why invest in the Riviera Maya?

The Riviera Maya, which stretches from Puerto Morelos to Tulum, is one of Mexico's most coveted destinations for both tourists and investors. Its real estate market thrives due to several key factors:

  1. Tourism growth: The Riviera Maya attracts millions of tourists each year, many of whom prefer to rent vacation properties rather than stay in hotels, making short-term rental properties a lucrative option.
  2. Strong infrastructure: With continued developments in airports, highways and services, the region has become even more accessible to international travelers.
  3. Year-round appeal: Thanks to its tropical climate, the Riviera Maya is a popular year-round destination, ensuring high occupancy rates, especially in peak seasons such as winter vacations and spring periods.

Types of properties to consider for investment

When evaluating the most profitable properties to invest in, it is essential to focus on options in high demand for both vacationers and long-term tenants. Villas, beachfront properties and larger units with three or more bedrooms stand out as the best options for generating substantial returns.

Villas ? High-end luxury with maximum profitability

Villas, especially in prime locations such as Playacar and beachfront areas in Tulum, are an ideal choice for high net worth individuals. These properties attract wealthy tourists seeking privacy, exclusivity and luxury.

Why are villas profitable?

  • Premium prices: Villas, especially those located along the coast, may demand high nightly rates.
  • High demand for luxury: Many high-end travelers prefer private villas over hotels. This makes villas particularly attractive during peak seasons such as the winter vacations. With high occupancy rates, villas represent a prime investment for those looking to attract luxury clientele.
  • Exclusive amenities: Villas often feature private pools, beach access and concierge services, justifying their high rental prices.

Beachfront properties ? Constant demand and high occupancy rates

Beachfront properties are synonymous with the Riviera Maya. The idea of waking up to the sound of the ocean or walking just steps from the beach makes these properties incredibly desirable to vacationers.

Why are beachfront properties profitable?

  • High occupancy rates: Properties located directly on the beach maintain higher occupancy rates than those located further inland. Even during low seasons, these properties attract travelers seeking the ultimate beach experience.
  • Appreciation: Waterfront properties tend to appreciate faster than other types of real estate due to their limited availability and high demand.
  • Higher rental rates: Guests are often willing to pay a premium for direct beach access, resulting in higher rental rates and ultimately higher profitability.

Multi-bedroom properties (3 bedrooms or more) ? Ideal for families and groups

While one- and two-bedroom units dominate the market, data shows that properties with three or more bedrooms can offer significantly higher yields. Larger units are perfect for families, groups of friends or several couples traveling together. These properties are often geared toward long-term stays and high-end tenants looking for more space.

Why choose multi-room properties?

  • Higher nightly rates: Properties with three or more bedrooms can command much higher rental rates. For example, a three-bedroom condo in Playa del Carmen can generate up to $2.9 million pesos annually with only 45% occupancy... (Airdna PDC ENGLISH).
  • Longer booking duration: Larger groups tend to stay longer, often booking properties for a week or more, which increases revenue potential.
  • Less competition: The market for small, one- and two-bedroom units is saturated. In contrast, properties with three or more bedrooms face less competition, making them a more attractive option for investors.

Factors to consider when investing in the Riviera Maya

Before jumping into real estate investment in the Riviera Maya, it is essential to consider several factors that can influence the return on investment (ROI).

Location is key

Whether it is a villa, a beachfront property or a three-bedroom unit, location is the most critical factor in determining the profitability of a property. Properties in areas such as Playacar, Tulum and beachfront areas tend to command higher rental rates and have higher occupancy rates than those located further inland.

Seasonality and Demand

The Riviera Maya is highly seasonal, with rental peaks in December, January, and February. Understanding the market's seasonality can help you adjust your pricing strategies to maximize income during high-demand periods.

Property Management

Investing in professional property management services can significantly boost your rental income. Managers can handle bookings, cleaning, and guest communication, allowing you to optimize occupancy rates and tenant satisfaction.

What Type of Property Offers the Best ROI?

Based on market analysis, villas, beachfront properties, and three-bedroom units offer the highest return on investment for investors in the Riviera Maya. While each property type has its advantages, here?s a quick comparison:

  • Villas: Ideal for high-net-worth individuals seeking luxury and exclusivity. These properties offer the highest potential income but require a larger initial investment.
  • Beachfront Properties: Perfect for maintaining high occupancy rates year-round, with great potential for appreciation.
  • Multi-bedroom Units (3 or more): Less competition in the market and strong appeal to families and groups, making them a profitable option for both short- and long-term rentals.

Conclusion: What Type of Property is the Most Profitable to Invest in the Riviera Maya?

The Riviera Maya presents an attractive market for real estate investors, with its booming tourism industry and strong demand for vacation rentals. Villas, beachfront properties, and multi-bedroom units offer the most profitable opportunities, each catering to different types of tenants and providing substantial returns.

For investors seeking luxury rental properties, villas and beachfront properties are the best options, offering great income potential, especially during peak seasons. Meanwhile, three-bedroom units fill a growing niche for families and larger groups, offering consistent returns with less competition in the market.

What type of property is the most profitable to invest in the Riviera Maya? FAQ

What is the average ROI for beachfront properties in the Riviera Maya?
Beachfront properties in the Riviera Maya can generate substantial returns, with some properties earning over 2 million pesos annually, depending on location and occupancy rates.

Are villas a better investment than condos?
Villas generally generate higher income due to premium pricing and their appeal to luxury travelers. However, they require a larger initial investment compared to condos.

Is demand for three-bedroom properties increasing?
Yes, demand for three-bedroom properties is increasing, particularly among families and larger groups, making them a profitable investment.

What is the best time of year to rent out my property in the Riviera Maya?
The best time to rent out a property in the Riviera Maya is during the winter months (December to February), which coincide with the high tourist season.

How much should I budget for property management services?
Property management services in the Riviera Maya typically charge between 10% and 20% of rental income, depending on the level of service provided.

If you require a personalized advice contact us, we would be delighted to be part of your adventure! We are L'agence by Los Socios, a real estate agency focused on the benefits of its clients.

La entrada What type of property is the most profitable to invest in the Riviera Maya? se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/inversion/que-tipo-de-propiedad-es-mas-rentable-para-invertir-en-la-riviera-maya/feed/ 0
Invertir en una propiedad en preventa en la Riviera Maya: Todo lo que debes saber https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/inversion/antes-compra/invertir-propiedad-preventa-riviera-maya/ https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/inversion/antes-compra/invertir-propiedad-preventa-riviera-maya/#respond Fri, 06 Sep 2024 21:29:32 +0000 https://lagencemx.com/?p=16427 La Riviera Maya, con sus playas de ensueño y constante crecimiento turístico, es un imán para inversionistas que buscan oportunidades en el sector inmobiliario. Comprar una propiedad en preventa en esta zona es una excelente opción para quienes desean adquirir inmuebles a precios más accesibles y con mayor flexibilidad de pago. En este artículo, te […]

La entrada Invertir en una propiedad en preventa en la Riviera Maya: Todo lo que debes saber se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

La Riviera Maya, con sus playas de ensueño y constante crecimiento turístico, es un imán para inversionistas que buscan oportunidades en el sector inmobiliario. Comprar una propiedad en preventa en esta zona es una excelente opción para quienes desean adquirir inmuebles a precios más accesibles y con mayor flexibilidad de pago. En este artículo, te mostraremos los beneficios, riesgos y todo lo que debes saber antes de invertir en preventa en la Riviera Maya.

¿Qué significa comprar una propiedad en preventa?

Concepto de preventa en bienes raíces

Comprar en preventa significa adquirir una propiedad antes de que esté completamente construida. Esta modalidad te permite asegurar una unidad a un precio más bajo del que tendría una vez terminado el proyecto, siendo ideal para quienes buscan aprovechar las oportunidades del mercado inmobiliario en crecimiento.

Diferencias entre preventa y compra de propiedades terminadas

La principal diferencia entre ambas es el precio y el tiempo de entrega. Las propiedades en preventa suelen ofrecer precios más bajos y esquemas de pago flexibles, mientras que una propiedad terminada puede utilizarse o rentarse de inmediato, pero a un costo más alto.

Beneficios de comprar en preventa en la Riviera Maya

Precio preferencial y descuentos

Uno de los mayores atractivos de la preventa es el precio. Los primeros inversionistas suelen beneficiarse de precios más bajos que los que se ofrecen una vez que el proyecto está avanzado o concluido.

Plusvalía a largo plazo

La Riviera Maya es una de las regiones con mayor crecimiento inmobiliario en México. Las propiedades en esta zona suelen aumentar su valor con el tiempo, ofreciendo una excelente oportunidad para quienes buscan plusvalía.

Flexibilidad de pagos

Los desarrolladores a menudo ofrecen planes de pago atractivos durante la preventa, lo que te permite hacer abonos mientras se construye el proyecto. Esto reduce la presión financiera de hacer un pago único.

Personalización de la propiedad

En algunos casos, los compradores pueden personalizar ciertos aspectos del diseño de la propiedad, como los acabados o la distribución, lo cual no suele ser posible en propiedades terminadas.

Riesgos y consideraciones al invertir en preventa

Retrasos en la entrega

Uno de los riesgos más comunes es que la propiedad no se entregue a tiempo. Esto puede deberse a problemas en la construcción o a la obtención de permisos, lo cual puede generar retrasos importantes.

Evaluar la reputación del desarrollador

Es fundamental investigar al desarrollador antes de invertir. Una de las mejores formas de hacerlo es acercarse a agencias inmobiliarias certificadas que trabajen con desarrolladores confiables. Estas agencias suelen contar con experiencia en la región y te pueden guiar sobre qué desarrolladores tienen un historial sólido de proyectos exitosos y entregas puntuales?.

Cambios en el proyecto original

Es posible que el desarrollador haga modificaciones en el diseño o características del proyecto durante la construcción. Asegúrate de que cualquier cambio esté claramente estipulado en el contrato para proteger tus intereses.

Por qué la Riviera Maya es una excelente opción para invertir

Prime location:

La Riviera Maya, ubicada a lo largo de la costa caribeña, ofrece un entorno natural espectacular y una cercanía a destinos turísticos como Tulum y Playa del Carmen. Esto atrae a millones de turistas y hace que la inversión en propiedades sea altamente rentable.

Demanda turística en constante crecimiento

La Riviera Maya recibe a millones de visitantes cada año, lo que convierte a esta región en un destino atractivo para invertir en propiedades destinadas a renta vacacional. La alta ocupación garantiza un flujo constante de ingresos.

Infraestructura moderna y en expansión

Con la reciente inauguración del Aeropuerto de Tulum y la puesta en marcha parcial del Tren Maya, la conectividad en la región ha mejorado considerablemente, lo que aumentará el valor de las propiedades en la zona.

Variedad de desarrollos inmobiliarios

La Riviera Maya ofrece desde desarrollos de lujo hasta proyectos más accesibles, lo que facilita encontrar una propiedad que se ajuste a tus metas de inversión y presupuesto.

Consejos para elegir el proyecto adecuado

Reputación y experiencia del desarrollador

Para garantizar que tu inversión esté en buenas manos, es recomendable acercarte a agencias inmobiliarias certificadas. Estas agencias trabajan de cerca con desarrolladores confiables y pueden guiarte en la elección de un proyecto que se ajuste a tus necesidades y presupuesto. Evita hacer tratos directos sin consultar a una agencia o un asesor de confianza?.

Ubicación estratégica dentro de la Riviera Maya

Aunque toda la región ofrece oportunidades, zonas como Tulum y Playa del Carmen suelen generar un retorno de inversión más alto debido a su popularidad entre los turistas internacionales.

Servicios y amenidades del proyecto

Evalúa las amenidades que ofrece el desarrollo, como albercas, gimnasios, seguridad, y acceso a la playa. Estos servicios pueden hacer que la propiedad sea más atractiva para rentar o revender.

Evaluar el plan de pago y financiamiento

Revisa los planes de pago disponibles. Muchos desarrolladores ofrecen esquemas flexibles y opciones de financiamiento, lo que facilita el proceso para los inversionistas nacionales y extranjeros.

Retorno de inversión (ROI) al invertir en la Riviera Maya

Rentabilidad a través de rentas vacacionales

La demanda turística en la Riviera Maya hace que las propiedades para renta vacacional sean una excelente fuente de ingresos. Con plataformas como Airbnb, puedes rentar tu propiedad fácilmente y generar ingresos constantes.

Plusvalía del bien inmueble

Además de generar ingresos por renta, la plusvalía en la Riviera Maya es alta debido al crecimiento continuo de la región. Esto significa que tu propiedad aumentará su valor con el tiempo.

Impacto de la demanda turística en el ROI

La constante afluencia de turistas asegura una alta ocupación en las propiedades destinadas a renta vacacional, lo que genera un retorno de inversión positivo y sostenido.

Factores que impulsan la plusvalía en la Riviera Maya

Crecimiento de la infraestructura turística

La expansión de la infraestructura turística, como hoteles, restaurantes y centros comerciales, aumenta la demanda de propiedades y, con ello, la plusvalía de los inmuebles en la zona.

Aumento de la conectividad y transporte

The Mayan Train, aunque no está completamente terminado, ya opera en algunas zonas y, junto con el Aeropuerto de Tulum, facilita el acceso a la Riviera Maya, lo que incrementa el valor de las propiedades.

Preferencia por destinos de playa en tiempos post-pandemia

La pandemia ha aumentado la preferencia por destinos naturales, como la Riviera Maya. Esto ha hecho que las propiedades en la región sean aún más atractivas para quienes buscan una segunda residencia o una inversión.

Procesos legales y financieros al comprar en preventa

Contrato de compraventa en preventa

El contrato de preventa debe incluir los plazos de entrega, especificaciones de los materiales, condiciones de pago y cualquier penalización por retrasos. Es importante revisar este documento con un abogado especializado.

Documentación y permisos necesarios

Antes de firmar cualquier contrato, asegúrate de que el proyecto cuente con los permisos necesarios, como la zonificación y permisos de construcción, para evitar problemas futuros.

Implicaciones fiscales y notariales

Consulta con un notario y un asesor fiscal para conocer los impuestos y gastos notariales asociados a la compra de una propiedad en México. También debes considerar el pago del impuesto predial y otros costos fijos.

Casos de éxito de inversiones en preventa en la Riviera Maya

Ejemplos de desarrollos con alta plusvalía

Desarrollos en Tulum y Playa del Carmen han experimentado un incremento significativo en su valor, ofreciendo a los inversionistas un retorno considerable por su inversión en preventa.

Testimonios de inversionistas exitosos

Quienes invirtieron en preventa hace unos años han visto cómo sus propiedades han aumentado su valor y generado ingresos a través de rentas vacacionales, demostrando el potencial de inversión en la región.

Tendencias futuras en el mercado inmobiliario de la Riviera Maya

Proyecciones de crecimiento para los próximos años

El mercado inmobiliario en la Riviera Maya continuará su crecimiento, impulsado por el desarrollo de infraestructuras como el Tren Maya y la expansión de proyectos turísticos. Se espera que los precios de las propiedades sigan aumentando.

Innovaciones en proyectos sostenibles y eco-friendly

Cada vez más desarrolladores apuestan por proyectos sostenibles, lo que no solo atrae a inversionistas conscientes del medio ambiente, sino que también contribuye a la valorización de las propiedades a largo plazo.

Conclusión: ¿Vale la pena invertir en una propiedad en preventa en la Riviera Maya?

Invertir en una propiedad en preventa en la Riviera Maya es una excelente opción si buscas obtener plusvalía y generar ingresos por renta. Con un mercado en constante crecimiento y nuevas infraestructuras en desarrollo, la región ofrece un alto potencial de retorno. Sin embargo, es esencial realizar una investigación adecuada y elegir un desarrollador confiable a través de agencias inmobiliarias certificadas para minimizar los riesgos.


¿Cuánto tiempo suele tardar la entrega de una propiedad en preventa?

El tiempo de entrega varía según el proyecto y el desarrollador, pero generalmente se estima entre 12 y 24 meses desde el inicio de la construcción.

¿Es posible obtener financiamiento para una propiedad en preventa?

Sí, muchos desarrolladores ofrecen opciones de financiamiento directo o a través de instituciones bancarias. Además, los esquemas de pago suelen ser flexibles, permitiendo hacer abonos durante la fase de construcción.

¿Cuáles son los riesgos más comunes al comprar en preventa?

Entre los principales riesgos están los retrasos en la entrega, modificaciones en el proyecto original y problemas con los permisos. Por eso, es fundamental elegir un desarrollador con buena reputación y trabajar con una agencia inmobiliaria certificada.

¿Cómo saber si el desarrollador es confiable?

La mejor forma de asegurarte de que el desarrollador es confiable es acercarte a una agencia inmobiliaria certificada con experiencia en la zona. Estas agencias trabajan con desarrolladores de confianza y pueden guiarte en la elección del mejor proyecto para tu inversión.

¿Qué tipo de propiedad en la Riviera Maya ofrece mayor rentabilidad?

Las propiedades con conceptos innovadores, ubicaciones estratégicas, frente al mar y las que cuentan con 3 o más habitaciones suelen generar mayores ingresos. Este tipo de inmuebles son ideales para familias o grupos grandes y atraen a un segmento más amplio de turistas, lo que incrementa las tarifas de renta y la ocupación.

If you require a personalized advice contact us, we would be delighted to be part of your adventure! We are L'agence by Los Socios, a real estate agency focused on the benefits of its clients.

La entrada Invertir en una propiedad en preventa en la Riviera Maya: Todo lo que debes saber se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/inversion/antes-compra/invertir-propiedad-preventa-riviera-maya/feed/ 0
Tulum: El Destino para Nómadas Digitales https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/lifestyle/tulum-el-destino-para-nomadas-digitales/ https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/lifestyle/tulum-el-destino-para-nomadas-digitales/#respond Thu, 25 Jul 2024 14:32:01 +0000 https://lagencemx.com/?p=16128 Tulum, un paraíso situado en la Riviera Maya de México, se ha convertido en un destino favorito para nómadas digitales de todo el mundo. Con sus playas exóticas, fascinantes sitios arqueológicos mayas y una vibrante mezcla de arte y espiritualidad, Tulum ofrece el equilibrio perfecto entre trabajo y vida personal. En este artículo, exploraremos por […]

La entrada Tulum: A Destination for Digital Nomads se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

Tulum, a paradise located in Mexico's Riviera Maya, has become a favorite destination for digital nomads from around the world. With its exotic beaches, fascinating Mayan archaeological sites, and a vibrant mix of art and spirituality, Tulum offers the perfect balance between work and personal life. In this article, we will explore why Tulum is the ideal place for digital nomads, highlighting its lifestyle, workspaces, community, attractions, infrastructure, and investment opportunities.

Lifestyle in Tulum

Pleasant Climate and Active Expat Community

Tulum enjoys a warm and sunny climate most of the year, making it an ideal place for those looking to escape cold winters and work in a warm and welcoming environment. The expat community in Tulum is vibrant and welcoming. There are numerous events and activities that allow digital nomads to socialize, network, and find a sense of belonging.

Cultural and Gastronomic Offerings, and Sustainability

The cultural and gastronomic offerings in Tulum are diverse and exciting. From high-end restaurants to local markets, there is something for everyone's tastes. The cultural scene is also rich, with festivals, art galleries, and concerts. Moreover, Tulum has earned a reputation for its focus on sustainability and ecological development. Many businesses and residences in the area implement eco-friendly practices, allowing digital nomads to live and work in harmony with the environment.

Workspaces in Tulum

Nest Coworking

Nest Coworking is one of the most popular workspaces in Tulum, offering a cozy and professional environment for digital nomads. With high-speed internet, collaborative work areas, and networking events, it is ideal for those seeking productivity and community.

Coworking Tulum

Another notable space is Coworking Tulum, known for its modern facilities and collaborative atmosphere. Here, digital nomads can find a place to work efficiently while enjoying the company of other professionals.

Digital Jungle

Digital Jungle offers a unique coworking experience amidst nature. This space combines remote work with the opportunity to be in contact with nature, promoting a healthy balance between work and well-being.

Facilities and Collaborative Environment

The coworking spaces in Tulum are well-equipped with all necessary facilities, from high-speed internet to rest areas. Moreover, they promote a collaborative environment where professionals can exchange ideas and projects.

Digital Nomad Community

Tulum attracts a diverse range of digital nomads, from freelancers and entrepreneurs to remote employees of large companies. This diversity creates a dynamic and stimulating environment to work and live in. Many freelancers, entrepreneurs, and remote employees choose Tulum for its flexibility and the opportunity to find new clients and projects in an inspiring environment.

Tulum Attractions 

Tulum is famous for its stunning white sand beaches and crystal-clear waters. Beaches like Playa Paraíso and Playa Ruinas not only offer a place to relax but also an inspiring environment for those looking for an escape from everyday stress. History comes to life in Tulum through its impressive Mayan ruins. The archaeological site of Tulum, with its iconic castle perched on a cliff overlooking the Caribbean Sea, is a must-visit for any digital nomad looking to combine work with some cultural exploration.

Culture and Lifestyle

Art and Spirituality
Tulum stands out for its vibrant artistic and spiritual scene. From street murals to yoga and meditation retreats, the city offers a variety of activities that nourish both the body and soul.

Natural Beauty and Modern Architecture
The combination of Tulum's natural beauty with its modern architecture creates a unique atmosphere. Boutique hotels and residences blend perfectly with the surrounding jungle, offering a tranquil and stylish retreat for work and life.

Infrastructure and Accommodation

Internet connectivity in Tulum has significantly improved, with many areas offering fast and stable connections, essential for digital nomads. In addition, Tulum has modern services such as gyms, health centers, and supermarkets, ensuring a comfortable life for digital nomads. From modern apartments to luxury homes, Tulum offers a variety of accommodation options that suit different budgets and preferences.

Recommended Areas

Aldea Zamá
Aldea Zamá is one of the most popular areas among digital nomads for its proximity to the beach and its modern atmosphere. It offers a combination of luxury residences and commercial spaces.

La Veleta
La Veleta is another recommended area, known for its peaceful atmosphere and more affordable accommodation options. It is perfect for those looking for a balance between cost and quality.

Downtown Tulum
Downtown Tulum is ideal for those who want to be close to all urban amenities, including restaurants, shops, and coworking spaces.

Investment Opportunities in Tulum

Investing in real estate in Tulum is an attractive option both for those who wish to live there long-term and for those looking for rental opportunities. Many digital nomads choose to rent properties in Tulum due to the high demand for accommodation. This provides a constant source of income for the owners. Tulum continues to grow, with new projects in development that offer investment opportunities in emerging and in-demand areas.

In summary, Tulum is an ideal destination for digital nomads thanks to its stunning attractions, well-equipped workspaces, attractive lifestyle, diverse community, and investment opportunities. Whether you're looking for a place to work remotely, invest in real estate, or simply enjoy an enriching lifestyle, Tulum has something for everyone.

Si estás interesado en invertir en una propiedad en esta zona para favorecer tu vida de nómada digital, puedes contactar a L’Agence By Los Socios para más información.


Is Tulum safe to live and work in?

Yes, Tulum is generally safe to live and work in. However, as in any place, it is important to take basic precautions and be informed about the safest areas.

What is the internet connectivity like in Tulum?

Internet connectivity in Tulum has significantly improved, with many areas offering fast and stable connections, essential for remote work.

What are the best places to stay in Tulum?

Some of the best areas to stay in Tulum include Aldea Zamá, La Veleta, and downtown Tulum, each offering different advantages in terms of proximity to the beach, services, and atmosphere.

Is it expensive to live in Tulum?

The cost of living in Tulum can vary depending on lifestyle and personal preferences. There are options for different budgets, from more economical accommodations to luxury residences.

What types of businesses can thrive in Tulum?

Businesses related to tourism, hospitality, wellness, technology, and sustainability have great potential to thrive in Tulum due to the constant influx of visitors and the growing community of digital nomads.

La entrada Tulum: A Destination for Digital Nomads se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

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¿Que es un sistema Lock Off en un departamento ? https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/inversion/antes-compra/que-es-sistema-lock-off-departamento/ https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/inversion/antes-compra/que-es-sistema-lock-off-departamento/#respond Tue, 23 Jul 2024 14:48:52 +0000 https://lagencemx.com/?p=16073 En el mundo inmobiliario, la innovación es clave para satisfacer las diversas necesidades de los compradores y arrendatarios. Una de las innovaciones más recientes y populares es el sistema Lock Off en los departamentos. Pero, ¿qué es exactamente y por qué está ganando tanta atención? En este artículo, exploraremos en detalle qué es un sistema […]

La entrada What is a Lock Off System in an Apartment? se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

In the real estate world, innovation is key to meeting the diverse needs of buyers and renters. One of the most recent and popular innovations is the Lock Off system in apartments. But what exactly is it, and why is it gaining so much attention? In this article, we will explore in detail what a Lock Off system is, its advantages, how it works, and why it could be an excellent option for your next real estate investment.

What is a Lock Off System?

A Lock Off system is a design feature in certain apartments that allows a unit to be divided into two or more independent spaces, each with its own access and basic amenities. The Lock Off concept originated in luxury resorts and condominiums, where flexibility was needed to accommodate different groups of guests. Over time, this idea has moved into the residential market due to its multiple benefits.

Advantages of a Lock Off System

Flexibility and Versatility

One of the biggest advantages of a Lock Off system is the flexibility it offers. Owners can use the space according to their current needs, whether as a complete unit for a large family or as two separate spaces for different purposes.

Additional Income Opportunities

By being able to rent out part of the apartment independently, owners can generate additional income, which is especially beneficial in high-demand or tourist areas.

Space Optimization

The Lock Off system allows for better space optimization, as it can be adapted to different uses without the need for extensive renovations.

How Does a Lock Off System Work?

Structure and Design of the Apartment

An apartment with a Lock Off system is designed with interior doors that allow the areas to be separated. These doors can be locked to create independent units.

Locking Mechanism and Independent Access

Each resulting unit has its own entrance, ensuring the privacy and autonomy of the occupants. This is ideal for situations where one wishes to rent out part of the apartment without interfering with the other.

Differences Between a Standard Apartment and One with a Lock Off

Standard apartments have a fixed design, while apartments with a Lock Off offer the possibility to adapt to different needs through the use of interconnected doors. In addition to flexibility and additional income opportunities, apartments with a Lock Off system are generally more in demand and can offer better long-term profitability.

Common Use Cases

Families and Friends

An apartment with a Lock Off system is ideal for families who want to live together while maintaining their privacy, or for friends who want to share a space without sacrificing their independence.

Short-term Rentals

In the short-term rental market, like Airbnb, an apartment with a Lock Off can be rented to different guests at the same time, maximizing income.

Personal Residence and Simultaneous Profitability

Owners can live in one part of the apartment and rent out the other, generating additional income without the need to move.

Considerations Before Investing in an Apartment with a Lock Off System

Market Analysis and Return on Investment

It is crucial to conduct a market analysis to understand the demand for this type of unit in the area where you wish to invest. Evaluating the return on investment is essential to ensure that the purchase of the apartment with a Lock Off system will be profitable in the long run.

Local Regulations

Local regulations can affect the ability to rent out parts of the apartment, so it is important to be informed about the laws and regulations in place.

Examples of Apartments with a Lock Off System

Many modern real estate developments in tourist destinations like the Riviera Maya are already incorporating the Lock Off system in their designs. Owners of apartments with a Lock Off often share positive experiences, highlighting flexibility and additional income as the main benefits.

How to Maximize the Benefits of a Lock Off System?

To attract the right tenants, it is important to use effective marketing strategies that highlight the advantages of the Lock Off system. Efficient rental management, including cleaning and maintenance, is key to ensuring tenant satisfaction and maintaining profitability.

Potential Disadvantages of a Lock Off System

Implementing a Lock Off system can involve additional costs in terms of construction and maintenance. Additionally, managing multiple tenants can be more complex and require more time and resources.

Current and Future Trends of the Lock Off System

The design of apartments with a Lock Off system is constantly evolving, incorporating new technologies and solutions to enhance the user experience. The market for apartments with a Lock Off system continues to grow, with increasing demand from both buyers and tenants.

Comparison with Other Flexible Housing Systems

Co-living is another trend in flexible housing that allows multiple people to share a space while maintaining private areas. Modular housing also offers flexibility, but in a different way than the Lock Off system, allowing for the reconfiguration of spaces.

Impact of the Lock Off System on the Real Estate Market

The demand for apartments with a Lock Off system is increasing due to their multiple advantages and the flexibility they offer. This growing demand can influence the prices of apartments with a Lock Off, making them an attractive investment.

In summary, a Lock Off system in an apartment offers unparalleled flexibility and versatility, making it an attractive option for both owners and investors. From the possibility of generating additional income to the ability to adapt to different needs, the advantages are clear. However, it is important to consider the costs and management complexity before making a decision. If you are looking for an innovative and profitable real estate investment, an apartment with a Lock Off system could be just what you need.

If you need more information about this type of housing, please contact us L’agence by Los SociosWe will be happy to assist you.


Is it profitable to invest in an apartment with a Lock Off?

Yes, many investors find that apartments with a Lock Off system are a profitable investment due to the possibility of generating additional income.

How is maintenance handled?

Maintenance can be managed by the owner or by hiring a property management service.

What about privacy?

Privacy is maintained thanks to independent access and lockable doors that separate the units.

How does it affect building security?

Security is not compromised, as long as appropriate measures are put in place, such as secure access systems.

Is it suitable for all types of buyers?

Not necessarily. It is more suitable for those looking for flexibility and additional income opportunities.

La entrada What is a Lock Off System in an Apartment? se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

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Xcaret Mexico: Un Complejo turístico famoso a nivel mundial https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/turismo/xcaret-mexico-un-complejo-turistico-famoso-nivel-mundial/ https://lagencemx.com/en/blog/turismo/xcaret-mexico-un-complejo-turistico-famoso-nivel-mundial/#respond Fri, 19 Jul 2024 20:24:54 +0000 https://lagencemx.com/?p=16012 Xcaret Mexico: Un Complejo turístico famoso a nivel mundial, es uno de los destinos turísticos más impresionantes de México y del mundo. Situado en la Riviera Maya, este complejo combina parques temáticos y hoteles de lujo, ofreciendo una experiencia completa que abarca historia, cultura y naturaleza. El complejo está compuesto por varios parques y atracciones, […]

La entrada Xcaret Mexico: A World-Famous Tourist Complex se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

Xcaret Mexico: A World-Famous Tourist Complex is one of the most impressive tourist destinations in Mexico and the world. Located in the Riviera Maya, this complex combines theme parks and luxury hotels, offering a complete experience that encompasses history, culture, and nature. The complex is composed of several parks and attractions, each with its own theme and unique activities. Visitors can explore everything from underground rivers and cenotes to coral reef aquariums and butterfly gardens. Additionally, the world-class hotels in Xcaret, such as Hotel Xcaret México, Xcaret Arte, and La Casa de la Playa, are designed to integrate seamlessly with the natural environment, providing luxurious and sustainable accommodations with spectacular views and direct access to the park's attractions.

History of Xcaret

Xcaret Park, whose name means "small inlet" in Maya, began as an eco-archaeological project that preserved and showcased the cultural and natural richness of the region. Over time, it evolved into a world-class tourist destination, including the luxurious Hotel Xcaret México. This development has not only maintained its commitment to conservation and sustainability but also expanded its range of services and activities, becoming a benchmark for responsible tourism.

Grupo Xcaret Parks in the Riviera Maya

Xcaret Mexico: Un Complejo turístico famoso a nivel mundial

Xcaret México extends throughout the Riviera Maya, offering a variety of theme parks that cater to all tastes:

  • Xplor:This adventure park is perfect for adrenaline lovers. It offers zip lines over the jungle, amphibious vehicles to explore caves and trails, and underground river rafting. Xplor Fuego, its nighttime version, allows you to experience these activities under the moonlight and torches.
  • Xenses:A sensory park designed to challenge your perceptions and play with your senses. It features more than 15 activities and scenarios, including the Path of Dwarfs and Giants, the Xensatorium where you experience total darkness, and a mud river. Every corner of Xenses is designed to surprise and delight.
  • XoximilcoInspired by the traditional trajinera rides of Xochimilco in Mexico City, Xoximilco offers a floating party full of live music, typical Mexican food, and lots of fun. It's ideal for enjoying a different night, navigating canals and celebrating Mexican style.
  • Xel-HáA natural aquatic paradise where you can snorkel, swim with dolphins, enjoy water slides and zip lines, and explore cenotes and caves. Xel-Há is known for its impressive marine biodiversity and its focus on preserving the natural environment.
  • XavageThis extreme adventure park offers activities such as rafting on rapids, kayaking, a high ropes course, and the opportunity to drive off-road vehicles. Xavage is perfect for those seeking strong emotions and physical challenges.
  • XenotesA tour that takes you to explore four different cenotes, each with unique activities like snorkeling, rappelling, kayaking, and zip lines. Xenotes offers an intimate and educational experience about the importance and mysticism of these sacred water bodies in Maya culture.
  • Xcaret XailingEnjoy a catamaran ride through the crystal-clear waters of the Mexican Caribbean. Xcaret Xailing is ideal for relaxing and enjoying the beauty of the sea and coast, with options that include snorkeling and visits to nearby islands.

Luxury Hotels

The hotels of the Xcaret group offer an unparalleled accommodation experience, combining luxury and comfort with a strong focus on integration with nature.

  • Casa de la PlayaA luxury boutique hotel that offers an exclusive and personalized experience to create a feeling of vacationing at home. Each suite features stunning views of the Mexican Caribbean and is designed to provide maximum privacy and comfort. Casa de la Playa stands out for its butler service and high cuisine offerings with renowned chefs.
  • Hotel Xcaret MéxicoThis all-inclusive resort is famous for its ?All-Fun Inclusive? concept, which includes unlimited access to all Xcaret parks. The hotel is designed to blend with the natural environment, offering rooms with views of the river, sea, or jungle. It has multiple pools, world-class restaurants, and exceptional service.
  • Xcaret ArteA tribute to Mexican art and culture, this all-inclusive hotel offers guests the opportunity to participate in art workshops, enjoy cultural shows, and explore its impressive collection of Mexican art. The suites are decorated with works by local artists, and the hotel features themed restaurants and relaxation areas inspired by art.

Xcaret Ecotourism Park

Xcaret Park is the heart of the group, an ecotourism park that offers a variety of activities and experiences:

Connection with Nature

Xcaret stands out for its integration with nature. The gardens and green areas are designed to maintain an ecological balance, allowing visitors to enjoy natural beauty without altering the environment. Natural trails and rest areas surrounded by lush vegetation are proof of this commitment.

Xcaret Mexico: Un Complejo turístico famoso a nivel mundial

Aquatic Experiences

The park features a series of pools, seawater grottos, and access to underground rivers and crystal-clear cenotes. Swimming in the underground rivers and cenotes is one of the most popular activities, providing an intimate connection with nature and an unparalleled sense of adventure.

Family Activities

Xcaret is ideal for families, offering activities such as a zoo with jaguars, spider monkeys, tropical birds, an aviary with more than 1,500 birds of 150 different species, and a butterfly garden that houses thousands of brightly colored butterflies. These educational and recreational activities ensure that both children and adults enjoy their visit, learning about local fauna and flora in a fun and immersive way, making Xcaret a world-famous tourist destination.

Adventures and Sports

For adventure lovers, the park offers activities such as snorkeling, swimming with dolphins, reef diving, and many other sports options. These activities allow visitors to explore the vibrant underwater world of the Mexican Caribbean, discovering incredible marine biodiversity and enjoying exciting experiences in a safe and controlled environment.

Entertainment and Culture

Entertainment at Xcaret is unmatched. The park offers a variety of theatrical and cultural shows, the most prominent being the Xcaret Mexico Espectacular, a theatrical production that portrays the history of Mexico through legends, traditional dances, and live music. This show is a vibrant celebration of Mexican culture, captivating audiences with its color and energy. Additionally, the park hosts other cultural events such as the Papantla Flyers ceremony, the Equestrian Show, and Pre-Hispanic Dances in the Pre-Hispanic Village, each offering a deep and educational look into Mexican traditions and folklore. Xcaret stands out as one of the best in the world thanks to its unique combination of culture, nature, and adventure.

Location and Access

Xcaret México is located in the Riviera Maya, about 75 kilometers south of Cancun and 6 kilometers south of Playa del Carmen. It is easily accessible by road and well connected to Cancun International Airport. This privileged location allows guests to enjoy proximity to other popular tourist destinations while staying in a tranquil and natural environment.

International Recognition

The best theme and water park in the world is in Mexico. For the fourth consecutive year, Xcaret receives this distinction from the Travvy Awards, awards granted by the United States Travel Industry Academy. This recognition highlights the excellence and quality of the experiences Xcaret offers its visitors, consolidating it as a world-famous tourist complex.

In summary, Xcaret México is a gem in the Riviera Maya that combines luxury, nature, culture, and entertainment. Whether traveling alone, with family, as a couple, or with friends, the park offers something special for everyone, ensuring that every visitor has a personalized and enriching experience. This destination is ideal for those seeking a unique getaway, full of adventure, relaxation, and discovery.


  1. What activities can be done in Xcaret?
    • The park offers activities such as snorkeling, diving, swimming with dolphins, and exploring underground rivers and cenotes.
  2. What is the gastronomic offer in the park like?
    • The gastronomic offer is varied, with multiple restaurants serving everything from Mexican snacks to high regional cuisine.
  3. Is the park suitable for families?
    • Yes, Xcaret offers a wide range of activities for all ages, including a zoo, aviary, and butterfly garden.
  4. What accommodation options does Xcaret México offer?
    • Xcaret offers everything from standard rooms to luxury suites, all designed to integrate with the natural environment.
  5. Does Xcaret have any conservation programs?
    • Yes, Xcaret is committed to conservation and sustainability, participating in various ecological initiatives and conservation projects for fauna and flora.

La entrada Xcaret Mexico: A World-Famous Tourist Complex se publicó primero en L'agence by Los Socios.

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