Tren Maya: Route, Sections, and Iconic Destinations

The Maya Train in Mexico: A Journey through History and Nature

Mexico is gearing up for a transformative project that blends the past, present, and future into an unparalleled journey, linking the history and nature of the Yucatán Peninsula. The "Maya Train" is a bold vision aimed at connecting the cultural and natural treasures of the region. Throughout this article, we will explore in detail the route of this iconic Maya Train, its sections, and the destinations it encompasses, which not only promise to enrich the travelers' experience but also to foster sustainable tourism and economic development in the region.

The Maya Train: Discovering a Link to History and Culture

Reviving Past Eras

The Maya Train transcends time by recreating the journey of the ancient Maya civilization. By connecting iconic archaeological sites like Chichén Itzá, Palenque, and Tulum, it provides travelers with the opportunity to immerse themselves in Mexico's historical richness and explore the remnants of a millennia-old culture.

Nature at Its Fullest Expression

This ambitious project also aims to highlight the region's natural wealth. Through tropical jungles, pristine beaches, and diverse ecosystems, the Maya Train will offer passengers the opportunity to admire Mexico's unique biodiversity in its fullest splendor.

The Maya Train: Complete Route, Sections, and Stations

The route of the Maya Train will cover a total distance of 1,554 kilometers through the states of Chiapas, Campeche, Tabasco, Yucatán, and Quintana Roo. This unparalleled journey will connect the entire Yucatán Peninsula, uniting its ruins, major tourist cities, and local communities into a cultural and economic fabric.

Discover the route of the Maya Train in the Yucatán Peninsula, its sections, and iconic destinations.

Complete Route and Journey of the Maya Train
Complete Route and Journey of the Maya Train

Here is the breakdown of the sections that will comprise the Maya Train route, each with its own essence and charm:

Section 1: Chiapas to Campeche

Palenque – Escárcega

This section inaugurates the journey in Palenque, a renowned archaeological site. As the train advances through the Chiapas jungle, it arrives at Escárcega, a city with a rich history and Maya culture.

Section 2: Campeche

Escárcega – Calkiní

The journey continues towards Campeche, a colonial city that will delight travelers with its impressive architecture. This stage provides the opportunity to explore colonial history and savor local cuisine.

Section 3: Campeche to Yucatán

Calkiní – Izamal

From Campeche, the train heads to Izamal in Yucatán, a city famous for its yellow-painted buildings. This section highlights the cultural diversity and Maya heritage of the region.

Section 4: Yucatán to Quintana Roo

Izamal – Cancún

The Maya Train travels towards Cancún, an iconic destination known for its white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters. Travelers can relax and enjoy the Caribbean paradise in this section.

Section 5: Northern and Southern Quintana Roo

Cancún – Playa del Carmen – Tulum

This section is divided into two parts. The first part takes travelers from Cancún to Playa del Carmen, a coastal gem. The second part continues to Tulum, known for its impressive archaeological site and Caribbean beaches.

Section 6: Quintana Roo

Tulum – Chetumal

The Maya Train advances towards Chetumal, completing its journey through Quintana Roo. This final section offers a diverse experience, from Maya ruins to the capital of Quintana Roo.

Section 7: Quintana Roo to Campeche

Chetumal – Escárcega

The journey reaches its culmination by connecting Quintana Roo with Campeche, closing the cycle of the Maya Train. This last section seals the connection between stunning destinations.

An Inspiring Future for the Yucatán Peninsula

The Maya Train will not only be a mode of transportation but also a catalyst for sustainable tourism and economic development. Additionally, it will establish a cultural link between local and indigenous communities, enriching Mexico's cultural heritage and generating employment.

Maya Train Testing and Circulation Date

The first test cars of the Maya Train are already in the process, marking an exciting step towards its full operation. The train is expected to start running by the end of 2023, according to the Mexican government, adding a new chapter to the region's history.

Maya Train Testing
Maya Train Testing



The Maya Train is much more than a railroad; it's a link that binds Mexico's history, culture, and nature into a unique experience. This project will transcend generations, allowing travelers to explore the past, live in the present, and anticipate a promising future. The Maya Train serves as a reminder of human capacity to forge connections and create enduring experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the purpose of the Maya Train? The Maya Train aims to connect cultural and natural destinations in the Yucatán Peninsula, promoting sustainable tourism and economic development.
  2. What is the complete route of the Maya Train? The route covers seven sections: Chiapas to Campeche, Campeche to Yucatán, Yucatán to Quintana Roo (divided into north and south), and Quintana Roo to Campeche.
  3. When is the Maya Train expected to be in operation? The Maya Train is expected to start operating by the end of 2023, with the first test cars already in progress.
  4. What benefits will the Maya Train bring to local communities? The project will generate jobs and economic opportunities for local communities, while also strengthening cultural ties.
  5. How can the success of the Maya Train inspire other similar projects around the world? The Maya Train can inspire other nations to undertake projects that balance development and conservation, promoting responsible tourism and respect for nature.

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  1. Can we get off and on the train at the various locations over night? If we can, how many days at each location?

    • Hi Fred, Thank you for reaching out. As of now, the details are still a bit up in the air, we’re not sure if they will offer a ‘Hop on Hop off’ system or tickets for specific sections.
      For the most current updates, I suggest keeping an eye on their official Facebook page:, where they post daily. Also, keep checking my blog, as I’ll share any new information as soon as it’s available. Feel free to contact us for any other inquiry you might have!

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